早稲田大学 ICT・ロボット工学拠点

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イベント情報/Event Information

3月17日(金)モントリオール理工科大学 Prof. Foutse Khomh 講演会のお知らせ

日 時 2023年3月17日(金)19:00-20:00
タイトル Research Trends of Software Engineering for Machine learning application
場 所 西早稲田キャンパス63号館0506会議室およびオンライン
対象者 早稲田大学学部生、大学院生、教職員、一般
参加費 無料
主 催 JST未来社会創造事業「機械学習を用いたシステムの高品質化・実用化を加速する"Engineerable AI"技術の開発(eAIプロジェクト)」
後 援 ICT・ロボット工学拠点

Foutse Khomh is a Professor of Software Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal (Canada) where he leads the SWAT Lab. on software analytics, machine learning systems engineering, and cloud engineering research. He is also FRQ-IVADO Research Chair on Software Quality Assurance for Machine Learning Applications and Academic Associate Member at MILA. Prior to these positions, He was a Research Fellow at Queen’s University (Canada), working with the Software Reengineering Research Group and the NSERC/RIM Industrial Research Chair in Software Engineering of Ultra Large Scale Systems. He received a Ph.D in Computer Science from the University of Montreal, under the supervision of Yann-Gael Gueheneuc, with the Award of Excellence. He also received a CS-Can/Info-Can Outstanding Young Computer Science Researcher Prize for 2019. His research interests include software maintenance and evolution, cloud engineering, service-centric software engineering, empirical software engineering, and software analytics.